Monday, December 20, 2010

**All in the spirit of giving**

I made some cupcakes this past weekend...well quite a few..made more than 150 cupcakes (I had an order) so you can imagine how many were actually left over..I knew that T and I couldn't eat all of them so I opted to give them away...but instead of just handing them out as I sometimes do, I opted to package them with some pretty know all in the spirit of xmas..

I cannot give the homeless people a roof over their heads, but I was able to give them cupcakes. Someone said to me the other day “well that's stupid because they don't need sweet things, they need food” - but what's wrong with giving them something sweet? Maybe for that one moment while eating the cake, they actually got to enjoy something that they don't have often...

I hope that tonight they had a small chance to enjoy the festive season...

My heart is pleased...The gift of giving is always beautiful!


Anna said...

Giving to those in need is the right thing to do - good on you!

NuNuZa said...

;) Thanks LB! Giving is always great!